Visualizing Word Frequency

One of the advantages of R is that results are easy to visualize. For example, we can visualize how often a word is used through wordclouds. For that, we need to download and activate the wordcloud package.

# Load package.


To make the wordcloud easily readable we reduce the information we want to display.

# It is easier to work with wordcloud if we tranform our file into a dataframe.
frequent_words <-
colnames(frequent_words) <- c("word", "freq")

# In order not to overload the word cloud, we limit our analysis to the 50 most frequent words in the corpus.

most_frequent_words <- head(frequent_words,50)

Finally, we can proceed to the visualization.

# You can adjust the color to your liking.

wordcloud(most_frequent_words$word,most_frequent_words$freq, colors = brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))



access_time Last update May 11, 2020.

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