R powerful is a powerful tool because you can work with numbers and with other types of data.
More specifically there are three types of data objects that we will use.
- – numerical objects e.g. 1; 67; 5.56541
- – logical objects i.e. TRUE, FALSE
- – character objects e.g. “Hello World”
# To determine the type of data object you simply ask class().
class (silly_name)
## [1] "numeric"
another_silly_name <- "Hello World"
class (another_silly_name)
## [1] "character"
Commands like class() or print() are FUNCTIONS. You can perform functions on R objects.
# Whenever you do not know what a function does you can ask using "?".
Up to now, we have been dealing with single values: one integer or one string. You can aggregate these values into VECTORS.
# To do so you aggregate values with c().
numeric_vector <- c ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 )
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
# A more efficient way to create the same vector would be:
numeric_vector <- c ( 1 : 5 )
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
# You can create vectors with character strings, too.
character_vector <- c ( "Days" , "Months" , "Year" )
## [1] "Days" "Months" "Year"
In turn, vectors can be aggregated into MATRICES and DATAFRAMES. Both are essentially tables. The difference is that matrices must be one type of data whereas dataframes can combine different types of data. We will work mostly with dataframes. Typically, you will load dataframes from external sources.
# As an example, take a look at one of the in-built dataframe of R ("USArrests") that provides crime statistics of US states.
State | Murder | Assault | Urban Population | Rape |
Alabama | 13.2 | 236 | 58 | 21.2 |
Alaska | 10.0 | 263 | 48 | 44.5 |
Arizona | 8.1 | 294 | 80 | 31.0 |
Arkansas | 8.8 | 190 | 50 | 19.5 |
California | 9.0 | 276 | 91 | 40.6 |
Colorado | 7.9 | 204 | 78 | 38.7 |
Connecticut | 3.3 | 110 | 77 | 11.1 |
Delaware | 5.9 | 238 | 72 | 15.8 |
Florida | 15.4 | 335 | 80 | 31.9 |
Georgia | 17.4 | 211 | 60 | 25.8 |
Hawaii | 5.3 | 46 | 83 | 20.2 |
Idaho | 2.6 | 120 | 54 | 14.2 |
Illinois | 10.4 | 249 | 83 | 24.0 |
Indiana | 7.2 | 113 | 65 | 21.0 |
Iowa | 2.2 | 56 | 57 | 11.3 |
Kansas | 6.0 | 115 | 66 | 18.0 |
Kentucky | 9.7 | 109 | 52 | 16.3 |
Louisiana | 15.4 | 249 | 66 | 22.2 |
Maine | 2.1 | 83 | 51 | 7.8 |
Maryland | 11.3 | 300 | 67 | 27.8 |
Massechusetts | 4.4 | 149 | 85 | 16.3 |
Michigan | 12.1 | 255 | 74 | 35.1 |
Minnesota | 2.7 | 72 | 66 | 14.9 |
Mississippi | 16.1 | 259 | 44 | 17.1 |
Missouri | 9.0 | 178 | 70 | 28.2 |
Montana | 6.0 | 109 | 53 | 16.4 |
Nebraska | 4.3 | 102 | 62 | 16.5 |
Nevada | 12.2 | 252 | 81 | 46.0 |
New Hampshire | 2.1 | 57 | 56 | 9.5 |
New Jersey | 7.4 | 159 | 89 | 18.8 |
New Mexico | 11.4 | 285 | 70 | 32.1 |
New York | 11.1 | 254 | 86 | 26.1 |
North Carolina | 13.0 | 337 | 45 | 16.1 |
North Dakota | 0.8 | 45 | 44 | 7.3 |
Ohio | 7.3 | 120 | 75 | 21.4 |
Oklahoma | 6.6 | 151 | 68 | 20.0 |
Oregan | 4.9 | 159 | 67 | 29.3 |
Pennsylvania | 6.3 | 106 | 72 | 14.9 |
Rhode Island | 3.4 | 174 | 87 | 8.3 |
South Carolina | 14.4 | 279 | 48 | 22.5 |
South Dakota | 3.8 | 86 | 45 | 12.8 |
Tennessee | 13.2 | 188 | 59 | 26.9 |
Texas | 12.7 | 201 | 80 | 25.5 |
Utah | 3.2 | 120 | 80 | 22.9 |
Vermont | 2.2 | 48 | 32 | 11.2 |
Virginia | 8.5 | 156 | 63 | 20.7 |
Washington | 4.0 | 145 | 73 | 26.2 |
West Virginia | 5.7 | 81 | 39 | 9.3 |
Wisconsin | 2.6 | 53 | 66 | 10.8 |
Wyoming | 6.8 | 161 | 60 | 15.6 |
access_time Last update May 8, 2020.